I think it’s a good idea to know a little about the person whose opinions you are reading. After all, your worldviews may not mesh! Wouldn’t you hate to get interested in following someone’s efforts and then discover that the person you thought was a normal, sane, run-of-the-mill Joe is actually an axe-murderer doing 250 years for wiping out half his neighborhood?
Fact is, I’m pretty much a normal, sane, run-of-the-mill Jane. Your average “fifty-something” woman — whatever “average” means. I was married for almost five years and have been divorced for almost twenty years. I have two sons who are now in their twenties. I am the administrative assistant for the residential management division of a property management firm, which means I have about six different bosses.
My worldview is predominantly Judaeo-Christian. I’m from the American South, which gives me “a whole ‘nother” perspective. Believe me, it’s a different country. I spent two years living and working in the North, and it was like moving to Azerbaijan. Different language, different manners, different everything. Even the hamburgers were different.
I’m an editor, writer, proofreader, and layout designer — even when I don’t have a formal job. I have this “thing” about proper use of the language, and listening to supposedly professional communicators (like newscasters) mangle it makes me crazy. I like nature, and we have a “nature center” in the backyard where we feed the birds and other wildlife. I read voraciously, pretty much anything and everything I can get my hands on.
Sorry, no axe-murderer here. Just an average single mom, trying to live an average life and hoping to interest people and provoke a lot of thought.
1 Comment
I can certainly agree with things being different. My mom was from AL and so I’ve joked for a long time that I am bilingual. I speak English and Southern. 🙂 As a kid, one of my Uncle’s use to brag that his friends couldn’t tell that I was from MI when I would visit.