Myriad Projects

Posted by Editormum on 25 January 2010 in Uncategorized |

If some scientist somewhere could come up with a way to alter the stream of time, I would be so very grateful. I have a boatload and a half of projects that need attention, and there’s nowhere near enough time to address them all. Among the pile of things to do…

I’m discontinuing my blogs on my old “pay-per-click” site, and they aren’t compatible with WordPress, so I’m having to migrate the posts one by one, cut and paste, and backdate the posts so that they are in the correct chronological order. It’s very time-consuming. And I had SIX different blogs on there. One of them will not be migrated here, but will have to be cut and pasted into a Word document for use in a future book. But the other five I do intend to incorporate here. I finished moving the low-carb diet journal tonight.

I have three partially completed hooked rugs that I want to finish and get done, and the beginnings of a black-and-camo rag rug to braid, coil, and sew.

I have enough clothes to start my own “gently used” boutique. I’m cleaning these and sorting them for giveaway, consignment, yard sale, or donation. And a few of them are being saved for either sentimental (cute baby outfits) or cockeyed optimist (one day I will be this small again) reasons.

I’m also catching up on about three years worth of ironing. Ugh.

Then there are the books. I am trying to organise and catalogue my books. There are about 10K of them. Maybe more. Probably not any fewer. LibraryThing is very helpful with this project, but it’s still time-consuming.

And the paperwork. I don’t even want to think about the paperwork. Where does all this stuff come from? It’s like, filling half my house … all this paper.

I was doing everything at once, which I should have realised was profoundly stupid. I came to my senses last weekend and prioritized. This week’s goal is to complete the ironing and decide what to do with the clothes that are in the house. (The ones in storage can stay there until the house is in order and the other projects are done.) I want that project done by Sunday afternoon. Then I’m going to tackle the paperwork, one box a day until it’s all done. The blogging gets one-half to one hour a day — because my subscription to the old site expires in February, and I want the old stuff moved before I discontinue the subscription.

So days are busy and it’s hard to make myself quit and go to bed at a reasonable hour. But I’m trying to be disciplined about that, because I gain weight and get sick if I don’t get adequate sleep.

Still, I would very much like it if I had a time-turner or some kind of way to be able to do more than one thing in more than one place at a time.

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