Plugging Away

Posted by Editormum on 21 February 2010 in Uncategorized |

The massive workload continues. I’m not really complaining. Honest. I don’t like to be bored, and I don’t mind either my office work or my household work. I’m just feeling a bit … overwhelmed … lately. In the past, I would have hired out some of the stuff on the to-do list. But the budget says that’s just not possible right now. So. I gotta do it.

Patience. I need to be patient. With myself, with my job, with my home. Oddly enough, the boyz are not testing my patience too much these days. Knock wood so I don’t jinx it, right? (Hmmmm. Knock wood. Wonder if it will be warm enough to break some boards in the karate pit this week….) They even cleaned their rooms without too much fuss or resistance.

Do one thing at a time. (Seventh law of Dinotopia, LOL). I need to learn that. And I need to learn to take a break between each thing, so I don’t end the day feeling like a wrung-out rag.

And I need to learn to do a reasonable amount of things and then stop. I’m worn out, and the week’s only just begun. And it’s bedtime. I hate having to stop to go sleep. I regret when I don’t, but there is just so much to do.

I need to find my copy of When I Relax I Feel Guilty and re-read it, I think. It’s going to be a busy week, with Number One Son going to Reelfoot with the Scouts, and Number Two Son and I competing in a karate tournament, plus some other activities that are going on this week. So I guess I’d better start it right, by going to bed more or less on time, instead of at midnight.

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