Posted by Editormum on 28 June 2007 in Just Another Single Mother |

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! I’ve been running back and forth between two desks all week, and I am SO tired. Still no replacement for the co-worker, which is only to be expected. Tomorrow will be two weeks since she left. Kind of hard to make a good hire for a key position in only ten days.

I’ve learned to generate a complex report now, so next week I get to teach the Twit how to do it. This should be interesting. It will be interesting to see if she can handle the relatively complex math in this one, since she can’t handle simple percentages in another report that she creates.

Actually, it’s not really SUCH hard math … it’s just that you have to pay close attention to the additions and subtractions. It’s a report that takes last week’s total number of apartments that were occupied, adds move-ins during the week, subtracts move-outs during the week, and lands you with this week’s total number of occupied apartments. Then it divides your total number of occupied apartments by the total number of apartments available to give you the percentage of occupied apartments. So, for example, if you had 500 apartments in a complex, and 400 were occupied last week, but 10 people moved out and 15 people moved in, you now have total occupancy of 405, with a percentage of 90%.

I’m not that great at math, but I can figure those numbers out. But some of our managers can’t. I even had a report turned in one week that showed that there were 57 occupied apartments and one vacant apartment … in a complex that has only 48 apartments!

And then, this report is very detailed. There are two pages (single-spaced, 10-point type) of instructions for completing the report, and each one has to be done at a specific time and in a specific order. If you mess up, the whole report is shot.

The Twit is not particularly detail-oriented. She also has a lot of trouble making it to work at 8:00. So I’m not that sanguine about the Twit’s ability to do this report.

Anyway, it’s been a hard week, with LOTS of my own projects to complete while doing the tasks normally done by my coworker. And since it’s month-end and there are a gazillion reports to generate, there’s just that much more to do.

So yeah, I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday.


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