Life Lessons: Name Brand vs. Store Brand
As we’re on the way home from the movie tonight, I learn that #1 Son drank all the milk with his supper tonight. I was planning to use that milk to make pancakes tomorrow, so we need to stop and get some on our way home. I pull into the CashSaver near our house and […]
Moving Weekend!
We’re going to try to get moved back in, at least “mostly,” over this long weekend. Funny, this remodel was supposed to take six weeks, but it’s been six months! Still, I can’t complain. We’ve had a lovely time living at mom and dad’s. And the house is going to be wonderful when we get […]
Unexpected Consequences of Large Families
My grandma is the youngest of thirteen kids. All but two have lived to be in their 80s or more. As she is the youngest, she is subjected to the dubious honour of watching her parents and siblings pass away before her. Her sister died Saturday. She is the fourth or fifth to die in […]
Plugging Away
Saturday wasn’t as awful as I had feared, though I still had to get up at the crack of dawn. I got to the inspection station five minutes after it opened (opens at 0700) and the triple-line was already filling the driveway and spilling into the street. So I left at 0825 … which isn’t […]
Saturday Slump!
I’m not really looking forward to tomorrow as much as I usually look forward to the weekend. You see, I have to take my car through inspection before the end of the month, and I can either be at the inspection station by 0700 tomorrow, or I can take time off from work during the […]
Catching Up
With the new girl now solidly into her position, I’m able to spend time updating all of the projects that I’ve had to neglect. My desk at the office actually shows some desktop — I’ve been filing and typing and trashing and otherwise banishing items from my desk for the past two days. It’s lovely. […]
All Is Right With the World
My boys are home. God bless them. Them and their rackety, clackety, wackety ways. The house is strewn from one end to the other with their clothes, their toys, and their noise. And I couldn’t be happier. It will begin to pall, and I will have to crack down and be Mom again in a […]
Mom’s doing better and getting around well, but I’m kind of down. Part of it is that the kids are away. Their boundless energy is a tonic, in many ways, keeping me “up when I’m down.” They are with their Dad for the next week, and I miss them. And part of it is sleep […]