Angels Among Us

Posted by Editormum on 13 June 2012 in Just Another Single Mother |

God has a funny sense of humour. And a sweet way of hugging me when I need it most.

My sons are headed off this weekend, the younger for Boy Scout camp, the older to work for a week with Appalachia Service Project — he will be working in Kentucky this year.

So after taking the older son to his lawn care client’s house, we stopped by Home Depot to pick up a couple of things that he found he needed for his trip.

While we were looking for the tool belts (our local store is reorganizing, and nothing is where it used to be or where the aisle signs say it is), my son says, “Hey, Mom, I think you should know that there’s a hole in the seat of your pants.” Great. My favourite work pants, great for everything from weeding the flowerbeds to crawling around in the attic, are shot. And I’m walking around Home Depot with my underwear showing. “Give me the cart! You walk behind me!”

We finally find the tool belts, and my very skinny son is looking for a pouch with an attached belt that we can afford, and that fits him. The first couple that he likes have belts so big they’d fit me and him. Together. We’re laughing and talking and hugging each other and doing the typical mom-teenager thing as he tries on these belts. I’m asking if he has everything he needs for his trip.

And this guy walks up. “Where’s he going?” The guy looks nice and non-threatening, so I said, “Well, he’s going on a mission trip into Appalachia…” and I proceeded to explain what ASP is all about. He asks if they share the gospel and I say that they do, but that my understanding is that it’s not the main focus. That the idea is that it doesn’t do a lot of good to get somebody saved if they are starving or living in dangerous conditions. But they do talk about the Lord and they have devotions for the kids each day.

The man is smiling as we’re talking, and my son has wandered off to find a couple of carpenter’s pencils. The man asks me which tool belt my son picked out. I tell him I’m not sure, because we tried on so many trying to find one small enough for him, but I think it’s the $20 one made of dark brown leather. The man reaches in his pocket and hands me a $20, saying, “Let me buy it for him. That’s a good thing that he’s doing.”

I was stunned. Grateful. I stammered some kind of thanks. Blessed him. Went to find my son and sent him to thank the man. Cried a little. Thanked God for good people.

And came home to share the proof that there are angels among us.


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