Life Lessons: Name Brand vs. Store Brand
As we’re on the way home from the movie tonight, I learn that #1 Son drank all the milk with his supper tonight. I was planning to use that milk to make pancakes tomorrow, so we need to stop and get some on our way home. I pull into the CashSaver near our house and […]
Another Busy Day
Long time readers of this blog will have figured out that Saturdays are errand-days for me. Today was no exception, though I did have a nice lie-in this morning. I didn’t get out of bed until 8! After a leisurely breakfast, though, it was off to the shops. I went to Radio Shack to pick […]
Great Day!
Woke up to wintry mix (sleet, snow, frozen rain) falling in the area, so we got a little later start than planned. And the Chick-Fil-A I planned to hit for breakfast was closed for remodeling, so we got donuts (utterly ghastly) instead. But we made it to the mechanic’s by 8:30, and he was done […]
Productive Weekend
I got a lot done this weekend. The kids were with their dad, so I ran errands and cleaned house. Friday night, I cleaned and mopped the kitchen. Then I watched Funny Girl. I was up until 3 a.m.! Saturday, I got up late (at 8) and ran a bunch of errands before meeting a […]
Busy Week
Actually, this week hasn’t been so bad. Work has been busy, and Wednesday evening was insane, but otherwise, it’s been a relatively easy week. I’m just working on a lot of different fronts at one time. Wednesday … Wednesday was nuts. I got off work at 5 and went straight to the little international grocery/restaurant […]
Quiet Days, Quiet Nights
I’m getting a good bit done here in the house, but I’m not as far along as I’d like to be. The kids will be back in only four days. And I have a boatload of things I still need and want to do. I’m taking Friday off work, but I will only be home […]
Weekend’s Coming
Which is a good thing. This weekend sees the end of yet another of my time-takers, although it seems that a recurrent one will start up again on Saturday. If the rain stops. It’s been raining off and on for the past week. Rained out practise on Tuesday night, and may rain out Thursday’s as […]
Pleasant Weekend
I like coming out of a weekend feeling that I accomplished some things and still had time to relax. I didn’t do just a whole lot of relaxing this weekend, but I accomplished a whole lot of things, and still played a little online Scrabble. I’ve already listed my accomplishments of Friday and Saturday. Sunday […]