Mundane Prayers Matter to God
Back in May, I wrote in my Facebook Notes about the prayer that never fails me. I call it the “Finding Prayer.” When I have lost something and need to find it, I ask my Heavenly Father to help me. He always does. But it’s not just the “Finding Prayer” that God answers. He answers […]
Every Season Is Not Harvest Season
“Every season is not harvest season. There are seasons of sowing where no harvest is seen, and sometimes there are droughts. … There are some crops we desire for ourselves that we may never harvest.” A friend posted this in an online discussion about the blessings of God. And it got me to thinking. Sometimes […]
A Rough Week
This has been a very difficult week for me. So difficult that I threw my diet to the winds and had the largest possible Cappuccino Blast at Baskin Robbins three days running. (That’s bad, my friends, because even small (one pint) Blasts are strictly taboo for this diabetic dieter, and the largest size is a […]
“Mommy Porn” — What Do You Think?
And no, it’s not what you think! I often read Penelope Trunk’s blog “The Brazen Careerist,” because she’s very up-front about the fact that she’s not perfect, work-life balance is not possible, and some days just stink. Sometimes her ideas for coping are outrageous; some days they actually make sense. I was VERY touched by […]