Life Lessons: Name Brand vs. Store Brand
As we’re on the way home from the movie tonight, I learn that #1 Son drank all the milk with his supper tonight. I was planning to use that milk to make pancakes tomorrow, so we need to stop and get some on our way home. I pull into the CashSaver near our house and […]
Instant Obedience?
The discussion at this blog over whether God expects first-time obedience from us struck a chord with me. I believe that He does, usually, expect us to obey Him instantly and without question. However, there are plenty of examples in Scripture where God shows mercy and gives a second chance. While I could give several […]
Why I Like the Volkswagen Super Bowl Commercial
I don’t usually comment on commercials … commercials are, in general, either annoying interruptions or moments to take what my pilot friends call “bio-breaks.” I generally see practically no value in commercials. BUT. The Volkswagen 2011 Super Bowl commercial made me smile. Not just because I’ve both been and had the little kid desperately trying […]
Scary Days
My sons are sick. It started Friday at supper time. Baby Boy couldn’t keep his food down and had a low-grade fever. I gave him plenty of water and kept him in bed all weekend. He couldn’t keep anything down … not chicken broth, not even a snow cone. There’s nothing in a snow cone […]
The Never-Ending Funeral
At the risk of being too depressing, I want to talk about life after divorce when kids are involved. I don’t know how it is for those who are divorced with no kids, but I fantasize that in some ways it must be easier. (And don’t set me straight if I’m wrong, because I need […]
About Boys
Boys are delightful creatures. I don’t understand them, but I love them. I have two boys. And from my interactions with them, I can tell you that, for all that is said about how women’s minds work strangely and how incomprehensible women are, boys have got women beat by a country mile. An example. My […]
What My Parents Did Right
I hear too much talk these days about dysfunctional families; I am weary of listening to tale after tale of how someone’s parents failed to meet their child’s needs and thereby ruined the kid’s life. So here’s a tribute to my mom and dad. They weren’t perfect, but they sure came close. Mom and Dad […]