Financial Insanity … and Hope
Financially, this has been the year from Hell in the Editormum household. I still have my full-time administrative assistant job, thank God, but the freelancing work fell off dramatically this year. (Note to my current clients: Thank you! I value each and every one of you in ways you cannot begin to guess.) I have […]
A Surprising Transformation
If you had told me a year ago that I would be doing sports and enjoying it … that I would find my best friends in people a decade or two younger than me … that I would be passionate about strenuous exercise … that I would begin to rediscover my self-confidence … that I […]
A Beginning
Wow, so where does one start when launching one’s very own “first blog”? I’ve actually been blogging for about seven years, but in a members-only community. This will be my first solo gig. Several friends from that community have made the transition, and with membership fees on the increase, I decided it was time for […]
Chop Chop, Snip Snip!
Cut off the hair today. All of it. It was halfway down my back and was starting to give me headaches, so it had to go. I was trying to grow it out for Locks of Love, and apparently, according to my stylist, I just managed it. My hair is really curly, so it looks […]
March for Babies Day
Yes, I did the March for Babies today, broken toe and all. I took my crutches with me, but I ended up leaving them in the car. It just seemed easier to walk slowly and carefully than to try to crutch up and down hills and across grassy knolls. So I didn’t set any records, […]
Join Us in Saving Preemies! I’m Doing a 5K!
Our weight-loss support group at work decided to participate in Walk for Babies for the second year in a row. The goal is to raise money to help prevent premature birth and to provide care for preemies. The URL below is for my “personal page,” where you can individually sponsor me by making a donation. I would […]
Breaking the Fast
I broke the fast on Saturday with grapefruit juice. Mmmmm. Sunday and Monday were soup days. But I made a mistake on Monday night. My professional group meeting was Monday, and I ate the food they served: a chicken salad croissant and pasta salad. Man, was I sorry! So today it’s back to soup and […]
Christians Behaving Badly
I have a lot of friends who are wait-staff. They frequently tell me how much they hate working Sunday lunch, because the church crowd are bad tippers. They speak of people who eat a nice meal, pay the bill, and walk out of the restaurant without leaving a tip. Or, worse, they leave only a […]
Tags: character, Christianity, church, customer service, etiquette, food, Jesus, kindness, news, Religion, respect, Work Life