Chop Chop, Snip Snip!
Cut off the hair today. All of it. It was halfway down my back and was starting to give me headaches, so it had to go. I was trying to grow it out for Locks of Love, and apparently, according to my stylist, I just managed it. My hair is really curly, so it looks […]
Time Just Flies
We are working so hard on the house and other things, that computer pursuits, including blogging, have had to take a back seat. Finally got the insurance claim completed, so now we are waiting on the adjuster to review it all. And now it’s tax time. LOTS of work to do in the next week […]
Our Mayor Gets a Taxpayer-Funded Luxury Car!
Local news is reporting that our city’s mayor gets a leased Cadillac Escalade as part of his job. One of the local stations asked how viewers feel about that. How do I feel about the fact that the mayor has a car that costs $1150 a month — a sum that is paid for out […]
Taxes Are Crazy!
I finished my taxes on Sunday and e-filed. It galls me to no end, having to pay the IRS to e-mail my taxes to them, but at least I KNOW they got the return on time. Now, here’s what I cannot for the life of me figure out. I’m getting back more than $2500. Every […]
Migraines and Taxes
I woke up with a migraine today. Not good, as today was the day set aside for finishing my annual letter to Uncle Sam. So it’s now 3 p.m., and I haven’t really gotten started well. Sigh. To address the migraine, I took my last two Maxalt (gotta get to the pharmacy this week!), drank […]
I Am SO Sore!
My grandpa died a couple of years ago, and we recently sold his house to a developer who’s going to knock it down and do who knows what on the acre lot. So Daddy told me that if I wanted any of granddad’s plants, I should go and dig them up because this weekend is […]
Well, I’ve been slacking off—at least from Blogging.
Haven’t posted here in almost three weeks. But there hasn’t been anything all that interesting going on. I think that’s the hardest thing about single motherhood — the unending slog. Get up, go to work, come home, fix dinner, tuck in the kids, do housework, go to bed. Next day: Get up, go to work, […]
Working Hard Today
Last night, the kids and I rented Happy Feet with a Blockbuster gift card I’d won, and went to bed late. I woke at 7 this morning when the alarm went off, and was going to turn over for another half hour of snoozing when my oldest came bounding into the room. So we got […]
Just Say No to Higher Memphis Property Taxes!
So, my property is being reappraised for tax purposes this year, and the mayor (probably guessing that property values are going to go down, since the last reappraisal was in 2009, before values here really started declining) wants us to approve a 28-cent tax increase. NO. Just NO. When I moved into this house in […]
Tags: Memphis, news, Politics, property taxes, taxes