More Craziness, More Accomplishments
So, at the moment, it looks like I’m able to manage only one post a week … sort of. That will have to do for the time being, as there is just a lot going on. Though I may come back and fill in some posts about things that have happened in the past week […]
Lost My Groove
Wow … almost a month of no new posts (though I have been migrating old posts from my Blogit account, so you’ll see some really old stuff back in the archives, as well as my new “Inspirations” page). Lost my groove back there somewhere, and haven’t the time to go back and try to find […]
A Whirlwind Weekend
This past weekend was unbelievably full. I’m not complaining. I had a lot of fun, and I wouldn’t have missed one minute of any one thing that I did. But it did underscore for me how very important it is to plan ahead if you want to maintain your sanity. We prepared for our weekend on Wednesday […]
Nothing Profound
Things are busy in our household right now. Sometimes, too busy. My older son is taking confirmation classes, which means that, headache or no headache, I have to get us to church by 0930 on Sunday mornings from now until the end of May. It’s a cross I’m willing to bear, if it helps bring […]
Back From Break
I haven’t posted in a long time. I didn’t realise just how long, though, until I decided, on a whim, to check the site this morning. Wow! Nearly a month has gone by. And while the blog has stagnated, I certainly haven’t. (We will take a short pause so that those who know me in […]
The Long Minute
It’s funny how time works. Given one set of circumstances, time can speed past at Mach 5, so that things are over almost before you know they’re happening. Given a different set of circumstances, time can drag so slowly that you wonder if things are ever going to end. An hour in the pool with […]
Saying Goodbye
I thought I was ready. I’ve known this day was coming for years. Twelve years, three months, and three days, to be exact. Since the day he got here, I knew that my job was going to be to say goodbye to my son. With that long to prepare for goodbye, you’d think I’d have […]
Karate, Boy Scouts, and Soccer, Oh My!
We are so busy with different things right now that I’m not keeping up too well with blogs and other “extra-curricular” activities. But we are all happy and having fun, so I guess it’s a good trade-off. Karate. Last Friday night, the children and I passed our karate rank tests, and advanced from white belt […]
Today I Am a Mean Ex
My ex agreed to handle Scout uniforms if I would handle karate uniforms. This weekend is New Scout’s first camping trip. Ex kept telling me it was next weekend. I kept saying “Scoutmaster told me it was the weekend after Labour Day. This weekend.” Guess who was right. (But I wasn’t mean yet. I didn’t […]
Why I Will Not Be Taking My Sons Out of Boy Scouts
The decision earlier this week by the Boy Scouts of America’s National Council to accept openly homosexual boys as Scouts has raised a lot of anger and vitriol across the country. The BSA has been warned to expect a mass exodus of boys and leaders from the troops. I’ve seen Facebook posts from many who […]
Tags: Bible interpretation, Boy Scouts, boys, challenges, character, Christianity, faith, grace, homosexuality, Jesus, news, parenting, Religion, respect