Why I Will Not Be Taking My Sons Out of Boy Scouts
The decision earlier this week by the Boy Scouts of America’s National Council to accept openly homosexual boys as Scouts has raised a lot of anger and vitriol across the country. The BSA has been warned to expect a mass exodus of boys and leaders from the troops. I’ve seen Facebook posts from many who […]
Some Thoughts on Christianity
I have discovered a new author whose works I like … at least as far as I’ve read in them. And since what I read today has a lot of relevance to yesterday’s post on baptism, I want to share some excerpts from T. D. Jakes’s Help Me, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up. […]
Thoughts on Baptism
A friend of mine who is exploring faith asked, “If salvation is a gift of God, not of ourselves, so that no one can boast, then is baptism a part of grace or part of works or neither? Or is it part of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, etc.)? Can you […]
Instant Obedience?
The discussion at this blog over whether God expects first-time obedience from us struck a chord with me. I believe that He does, usually, expect us to obey Him instantly and without question. However, there are plenty of examples in Scripture where God shows mercy and gives a second chance. While I could give several […]
“… having done Your will with cheerfulness …”
O God, the King eternal, whose light divides the day from the night and turns the shadow of death into the morning: Drive far from us all wrong desires, incline our hearts to keep your law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that, having done your will with cheerfulness during the day, […]
Do You Really Think Moses Was Stoned?
My favourite headline for this news story was The Guardian‘s: “Moses Was Stoned When He Set the Ten Commandments.” But the story itself is both amusing and appalling. Whatever happened to the scientific method? To proof? Because this Benny Shanon doesn’t want to believe in supernatural events, he wants, instead, to speculate that more than […]
God’s Law Is a Scary Thing!
The Law reflects the fact that the world is broken due to Sin, and that such a Law is necessary at all is a bleak reminder of the horror that is sin. In the perfect world that God created, there was no need for the Law. Man walked with God, and man was naked and […]
Wifely Submission
Just a few things that I really think it’s important that people think of when looking at this issue. One thing I’ve recently learned that adds a whole new dimension to what I’m going to say about submission is that God’s purpose for marriage was companionship. Not procreation, not sexual gratification, but companionship. God looked […]
Misconceptions About Jesus
Jesus was not … Long-haired. Jesus would have had short hair, a beard, and possibly long sidelocks. The confusion comes, I think, from a confusion of Nazarene (which Jesus was) and Nazirite (which He wasn’t). A Nazarene is a person who comes from Nazareth, a city in Israel. A Nazirite is a person who has […]