Scary Days
My sons are sick. It started Friday at supper time. Baby Boy couldn’t keep his food down and had a low-grade fever. I gave him plenty of water and kept him in bed all weekend. He couldn’t keep anything down … not chicken broth, not even a snow cone. There’s nothing in a snow cone […]
I’m SICK! The annual bronchitis. I wanted to spend the weekend getting things done, but I can’t breathe. So I’m puttering. Resting. Puttering. Resting. I’m not getting a lot done, but I suppose it’s better than nothing. It hit on Thursday night, and I dragged myself through work yesterday. I went to the store this […]
Tough Month!
This has been a busy time at work, which is why my Blogit earnings are going to stink this month. I’m juggling work, home-schooling, church, children’s choir, Broadway, handbells, freelance writing, and home. WAY too much! So my blogging has suffered, which means that, at last check, I’m due to earn $1.50 this month. LOL! […]
Wishing I Had Gone to Work Today
I have stomach flu, so I stayed home today to protect everyone at work from it. I did some laundry this morning, cleaned the kitchen, and worked on some display products for my next homeschool show (June 5). While I did that, I coached the kids through some of their new Reader Rabbit software, which […]