I’m sick. I don’t mean just “ugh, I don’t feel all that great” sick. I mean, so sick I’ve been in bed since 7 p.m. Wednesday, with a brief attempt to go to work Thursday morning and a trip to the doctor on Thursday afternoon being the only times I’ve been up until this evening. […]
Bone Tired
I don’t know why, exactly, but I am flat-out exhausted today. I’m having trouble with my home computer again, and I’ve got the kids to pack for their trip in eight days, and the house is still a bit of a mess … maybe this exhaustion is stress from all the things I have to […]
A New Year’s Resolution for Those Living in the Shadow of Abuse
Are you in an abusive situation? Is there someone who tyrannizes you, tells you that you are stupid or worthless, or who physically attacks you? This year, promise yourself that you will not allow this behaviour to continue. Resolve that you will free yourself, and protect those whom you love, from the abuser. There are […]
This week has been so much less stressful than last week. I finally screwed up my courage and told the music director at church that I simply had to quit everything. That I would be out of adult choir indefinitely; that I’d be willing to help with kids’ choir, but not to be the lead […]
I just can’t get a handle on things. There’s so darn much to do, and I just cannot get caught up, much less get ahead. The phone rang tonight, and I answered it without looking at the caller ID, thinking it was my friend who called today in tears to tell me that her husband […]
I hate feeling like I’m so far behind I’ll never get caught up, but that’s where I am right now. Absolutely exhausted, overwhelmed, and getting close to hopeless that I’ll ever get out of it. I’ve got a certification exam in three weeks, and I just HAVE to study for it. I NEED to fold […]
Looking Forward to the Weekend
Yeah, and it’s only Monday. What can I say? It’s just that I finally start making headway on getting the house in order on weekends, only to have to stop and go to my job on Monday — the job that keeps that roof over my head. By the time the weekend rolls around again, […]
Tough Month!
This has been a busy time at work, which is why my Blogit earnings are going to stink this month. I’m juggling work, home-schooling, church, children’s choir, Broadway, handbells, freelance writing, and home. WAY too much! So my blogging has suffered, which means that, at last check, I’m due to earn $1.50 this month. LOL! […]
Voting Today
Where I live, it’s election day. Primary, of course. I take my civic responsibilities very seriously, so I’m planning to vote. Thing is, I don’t know how in the heck I’m going to manage it. My parents voted early this morning. They were there before the polls opened at 7, and they didn’t actually get […]
Coming Down …
Well, today proved that I was under serious stress while the kids were gone. I had a doozy of a migraine that started Monday and is still there. It was horrible this morning, but it’s faded a bit now. I went to bed early last night — fifteen minutes after I tucked in the kids. […]