On Blessing and Being Blessed

Posted by Editormum on 28 April 2010 in Uncategorized |

I learned an important lesson from a room-mate nearly fifteen years ago, and some recent events have brought it to mind again. The lesson is about blessing and being blessed.  In the mid-90s, I was working in the Chicago metropolitan area. The majority of the staff lived in company-owned housing, in an arrangement similar to […]

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My Left Wrist Hurts

Posted by Editormum on 22 February 2010 in Uncategorized |

I think I have finally figured out what is wrong with my left wrist. I mentioned in a couple of previous posts that I have a long-standing injury that periodically flares up and gives me merry hell for a few days or weeks, and then subsides. I thought it was a sprain from a fall I […]

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Posted by Editormum on 18 February 2010 in Uncategorized |

Funny how things can roll along okay, and then suddenly, BAM!, something gets you and knocks you flat. I’m profoundly sad tonight. Not sure why, really. There have been some minor disappointments and worries over the last few days, but nothing worth  getting really down over. I’ve just finished moving all my archived e-mails from […]

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More Weirdness

Posted by Editormum on 16 December 2009 in Uncategorized |

I’m getting ready to close down my old blog, because I like having my own site, where people can find me without having to pay. If you want to pay, I’m not going to object, and you can just Paypal me (LOL), but I’m tired of the limited readership on the old blog and see […]

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My Stupid Talent

Posted by Editormum on 15 December 2009 in Uncategorized |

I am weird. Everyone who knows me, even on a slight basis, knows this. But my weirdness isn’t just that I dress funny and use words no one else ever heard of, and both read and proofread everything I see. My best talent is getting hurt. Only I never get hurt normally. You know, most […]

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Anatomy of a Migraine

Posted by Editormum on 20 May 2008 in Uncategorized |

It started Saturday, with rampant binge-eating/food cravings. Should have known something was up; that’s been a precursor to an evil migraine before. I did manage to get most of what I wanted to do done on Saturday, but by late afternoon, I was feeling rather seedy. Woke up Sunday with the “uh-oh, I have a […]

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Back on My Feet

Posted by Editormum on 14 May 2008 in Uncategorized |

I had my second follow-up visit with my foot surgeon this morning, and, much to my relief, he told me that I could take off “the boot” and start wearing tennis shoes. HOORAY! The boot does a great job of protecting the foot, but it makes you walk funny because the sole does NOT bend. […]

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Returning to Life

Posted by Editormum on 6 May 2008 in Uncategorized |

Well, this has been an odd few days. I went in for surgery on Friday morning, and went home that afternoon. I was put to bed, and I didn’t really wake up again until Sunday afternoon. I was only sort of awake on Sunday and Monday, and I used up the last of the painkillers […]

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What Do You Say?

Posted by Editormum on 1 May 2008 in Uncategorized |

I don’t really know what to write. Tomorrow is the foot surgery. Nervous … yeah. I don’t like general anaesthesia. I don’t like not knowing what’s going on around me, and I don’t like being out of control. Ugh. Relieved … yeah. The pain has been pretty bad the last few days, so it’s nice […]

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Posted by Editormum on 16 April 2008 in Uncategorized |

I have to have surgery. The toe that I thought I had broken isn’t. Here’s what happened when I went to the doctor about it. My right great toe has been painful for about 18 months, and I was pretty much trying to ignore the pain because I thought it was either arthritis, gout, or […]

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