I Thought the Ticket Was Obama vs. McCain?
Hey, everyone! Despite the media focus on Sarah Palin, guess what? The Presidential campaign is OBAMA vs. MCCAIN. One of those two will be living and working in the White House. Biden and Palin are the go-alongers. (Funny how we haven’t really heard all that much about Biden in the blogosphere or the media.) Either […]
Y’all Need to Lay Off Sarah Palin!
I’m really fed up with these people who are saying that just because Sarah Palin has young children at home, she should not accept the nomination to be Vice President of the United States? Would they say the same if her husband had been named as McCain’s running mate and Sarah was just gonna be […]
None of the Above, Please
I want a new choice put on the Presidential ballots. I know this was made into a movie ages ago — think it starred Eddie Murphy — but I am really serious. I think “None of the Above” should be on the ballot for EVERY presidential and senatorial race. The rules would be that you’d […]
Cutting School Funding to Ease Budget Woes
The City Council of Memphis, Tennessee, has voted to cut school funding while giving property owners a tax break, as reported in this article (as well as in many other local news outlets). I think it’s about time! For years, Memphis residents have had to pay for local schools twice, through Memphis City property taxes […]
Our Mayor Gets a Taxpayer-Funded Luxury Car!
Local news is reporting that our city’s mayor gets a leased Cadillac Escalade as part of his job. One of the local stations asked how viewers feel about that. How do I feel about the fact that the mayor has a car that costs $1150 a month — a sum that is paid for out […]
Sick and Tired of Politics! Especially the Third-Parties!
Okay, I am officially sick fo the Presidential election and all the politicking surrounding it. Can we stop now? Can we have a few days of quiet and peace before next Tuesday? Sadly, it ain’t gonna happen. And the saddest bit is, some wacky thing is liable to happen between now and then — just […]
WWJD, Anyway? Turn the Other Cheek, or Turn the Tables?
There is a debate going on right now in various blogs on the Blogging Network about whether it is right or wrong for a Blogger A to censure (not censor) Blogger B for what A views as offensive, blasphemous, or inappropriate material. In one series of comments, it was suggested that the offended person should turn […]