Life Lessons: Name Brand vs. Store Brand
As we’re on the way home from the movie tonight, I learn that #1 Son drank all the milk with his supper tonight. I was planning to use that milk to make pancakes tomorrow, so we need to stop and get some on our way home. I pull into the CashSaver near our house and […]
Clarifying My Position on Educational Choices
I have been on somewhat of a homeschool kick this week, as it’s the beginning of the school year for most kids in this area and people keep asking my kids if they are back in school and where they go. We almost always get a double-take when we say that we home-school. After reading […]
Neglecting Literacy
I have read several articles lately that focus on the declining literacy rate and the problem that colleges have with high-schoolers who arrive on the college campus either unable to read, or with severely limited reading ability. I lay this problem solidly at the feet of the government educational system. Here’s why. Let’s start with […]
Does Home Schooling Mean I’m ‘Screwing Up’ My Kids?
The private message on yesterday’s post read: “You’ve got to be kidding ….I mean, if you want to isolate yourself from society and anyone that is just the least slight bit different from you, that’s OK. But why do you want to screw up your kids? Kids develop social skills by being around other kids […]
Why I Homeschool
I believe that God has entrusted me with my children and that He expects me to ensure that they are reared in the fear and admonition of the Lord as well as in those academic areas necessary to their success in their adult lives. I believe that God holds me responsible for every aspect of […]
Boys and School
I was interested to learn of a new book released in 2008, and to discover the author’s blog. I have long been concerned about what schools are doing to our little boys, and much of Peg Tyre’s writing confirms my fears and observations. What Ms. Tyre reports is one reason that I began home-schooling my […]
About Boys
Boys are delightful creatures. I don’t understand them, but I love them. I have two boys. And from my interactions with them, I can tell you that, for all that is said about how women’s minds work strangely and how incomprehensible women are, boys have got women beat by a country mile. An example. My […]
What My Parents Did Right
I hear too much talk these days about dysfunctional families; I am weary of listening to tale after tale of how someone’s parents failed to meet their child’s needs and thereby ruined the kid’s life. So here’s a tribute to my mom and dad. They weren’t perfect, but they sure came close. Mom and Dad […]