I Miss the Creeds
One of the things that I loved most about the Catholic and Methodist churches I’ve attended is the recitation of the Creed. I like the Apostles’ Creed best, but the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds are also good. (They are just so long!) I think the Creeds are important, and I am very sorry that my […]
Indoctrinating Children
I’m a sneaky mom. My kids like to listen to books on CD while drifting off to sleep. Most nights, I let them; although some nights I insist on music. After we’d listened to all six Harry Potter books for the umpteenth time, and gone twice through our incomplete collection of Redwall books (there are […]
Almost There
The kids leave tonight to spend the night with their dad before heading off tomorrow afternoon for their ten-day Washington visit. You would have thought that he could have let them spend this last night with me (especially since I am taking time out of my Memorial Day weekend to take them to the airport), […]
The Best Laid Plans…
… of mice and men gang aft agley. And boy, did my weekend gang agley! I had to stay late at work, so the grocery shopping took until 7:30, which meant that by the time we got supper and bathed the kidlets, there was no time for laundry or games or a story. After I […]
Today’s Adventures….
This is going to be a running list of what my kids and I do today. I just thought it might interest everyone to see how a single mom spends her Saturday with her kids. 7:45 a.m. The kids have been “snuggling” in bed with me since 6:30, listening to the rain outside and telling […]
Marching On
The curriculum fair is over and we did quite well. We went to church this morning and I told the pastor what happened. They’re going to cancel my pledge so that I don’t have to worry about that, and if I need help for groceries or something, I’m supposed to let him know. My Sunday […]