Posted by Editormum on 3 June 2012 in Uncategorized |
I get a lot of flak about my diet. I eat low-carb most of the time. Not super-strict, like Atkins — though I’ve done the Atkins Diet and liked it pretty well — but more a “careful carb choice” approach. I eat far less bread and fewer grain products than most people I know. I […]
Tags: cholesterol, diabetes, Diet, food, high blood pressure, Low-Carb, medical issues, overweight, weight-loss
Posted by Editormum on 14 June 2010 in Uncategorized |
My life has been lived in a raging hurry the last few weeks. Catching up at work from a vacation. Running to various doctor appointments. Getting kids ready for, and off to, summer camp. Fighting with the ex. Yard sales. Curriculum fairs. And a multitude of other activities. And it hasn’t ended yet. But that’s […]
Tags: Diet, food, humour, Low-Carb, Philosophy, stress, True Stories
Posted by Editormum on 24 February 2010 in Uncategorized |
I want to add a bit more to my post from yesterday about my experience with doctors. Please understand, I know that there are good, conscientious, respectful doctors out there. My brother is married to one. My headache specialist, chiropractor, and dentist are three more. My new internist, though her wait times are terrible, is […]
Tags: challenges, Diet, doctors, Low-Carb, medical issues, obesity, overweight, rant, respect, True Stories, weight-loss
Posted by Editormum on 22 July 2008 in Uncategorized |
“I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized and I was still alive … and so, rock bottom became the foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” — JK Rowling, commencement address to Harvard University, June 2008 Rock Bottom. That’s where I am. But before you can know why, you need some […]
Tags: Atkins Diet, challenges, diabetes, karate, Low-Carb
Posted by Editormum on 22 July 2008 in Uncategorized |
I have impeccable timing. Really, I do. Take my weight and health issues, for instance. For over a decade, I have been between 80 and 100 pounds overweight. I was doing really well in 1999–2000, losing weight and feeling great, when some naysayers who didn’t approve of my diet plan convinced me that I should […]
Tags: Atkins Diet, diabetes, Diet, Family Life, Low-Carb, obesity, overweight, True Stories
Posted by Editormum on 9 July 2008 in Uncategorized |
I’m going to start over on the Atkins Diet. It worked for me before, and I really, really want to lose this extra me that I’m hauling around. I plan to start on Sunday, to give me time to shop, clear the pantry of things I shouldn’t have, and get all the testing done. Yesterday’s […]
Tags: Atkins Diet, challenges, Low-Carb
Posted by Editormum on 29 June 2007 in Uncategorized |
Today was “Cake Day” at the office. That ‘s the last Friday of the month. We all wear jeans to the office (even the corporate executives!) and we get together at 1600 for half an hour of cake and ice cream. The cake has the names of all of the people who celebrated a birthday […]
Tags: challenges, Diet, food, Low-Carb, obesity, overweight, True Stories
Posted by Editormum on 22 March 2007 in Uncategorized |
I’m sitting here staring at this gallon jug of water, wondering if I can make it go away. I suppose I could pour it down the sink, or use it to water the plants, but that’s not really going to get me to my goal. Like Dumbledore in his ill-fated quest for the horcrux, I […]
Tags: challenges, hydration, Low-Carb, water
Posted by Editormum on 20 March 2007 in
Just Another Single Mother |
I don’t know what this is about, and these little suckers are definitely not low-carb, but I can’t stop eating peanut M&Ms. I usually don’t like them. At all. But for the last few weeks, they have been my most-wanted snack. I’ll be glad when this passes; although, with all of the things I’m doing […]
Tags: challenges, Diet, Low-Carb
Posted by Editormum on 4 September 2006 in Uncategorized |
It has taken me forever to get back into the low-carb groove this time around. But I think I have finally found it. Breakfast — I’ve done hardboiled eggs, frittatas, salami and cheese, and a lot of other things. But what seems to be working best is either a protein shake or an omelet with […]
Tags: food, Low-Carb, menus